Who Will Be Next To You When You Die?
It's time for the cold hard facts, my friend. What's it gonna be? Cat lady for life or a room full of friends?

Who is your best friend right now?

Who is your best friend right now?

Your Mom loses her job. You...

Your Mom loses her job. You...

Pick an activity...

Pick an activity...

If you were on a deserted island which of these would you bring?

If you were on a deserted island which of these would you bring?

Do you volunteer?

Do you volunteer?

Your most important quality in a partner is...

Your most important quality in a partner is...

Who Will Be Next To You When You Die?

  1. You got: Your Cat

    You got Your Cat! Hey at least we gave you ample warning. The way things are going now, you're looking to have a one feline show at your deathbed. You're probably a bit of a hermit and tend to avoid social interaction because it makes you nervous. Put yourself out of your comfort zone! Make new friends! Try new things!

  2. You got: No one...

    You got No One...okay okay, we know it's harsh. But this is your wake up call. Right now, you're in a rut. You've got to refresh and reevaluate your life! Get outside, break ties with people who are holding you back or breaking your spirit. Go for the things you want and the people you really care about, before it's too late. It doesn't have to be a lonely, drama filled road!

  3. You got: Your Lover

    You got Your Lover! Congratulations Fabio, you're on the right track. You know what's important and you have a sense of adventure. You've got a good group of friends around you and a good head on your shoulders. Don't forget the importance of family in the midst of your crazy life, but keep on keeping on!

  4. You got: Your Family

    You got Your Family! You know what matters most and you have your priorities straight. Your family comes first and always has. You're a homebody who values responsibility, ambition, and kindness. Just make sure you live a little and go out on the edge every once and a while so you don't miss out.


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