Fill in the blank: My mother put ___ apple in my lunchbox today.
Molly can type almost 100 words per minute! Which word is the correct one to use when describing how she types?
Fill in the blank: Bobby was pleased when the teacher gave an extra gold star to Jane and _____.
Fill in the blank: My brother and _____ want to go to the playground today!
Which of the following is NOT a sentence?
How many prepositions are in this sentence? 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'
How many articles are in this sentence? 'As she munched on a gingerbread cookie, she heard that the school was closed because of the snow day.
What is the subject of this sentence? 'Have a happy holiday season!'
What tense is this sentence's verb in? 'He saw three bird eggs in the nest.'
Which sentence is perfectly grammatically correct?
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