What does the food you eat say about you? Answer these 9 questions to find out!!

How much of your food comes from plants?

How much of your food comes from plants?

Do you tend to stick to the same daily-menu?

Do you tend to stick to the same daily-menu?

How often do you consume meat?

How often do you consume meat?

How often do you eat breakfast?

How often do you eat breakfast?

Do you try to cut back on dairy?

Do you try to cut back on dairy?

On average, how many eggs do you consume in a week?

On average, how many eggs do you consume in a week?

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

Pick your milk:

Pick your milk:

Pick your drink:

Pick your drink:


  1. You got: Your Color Is Blue!

    Your color is Blue! You are pulled to the symbolic and mysterious. You live an experimental life and frequently reinvent yourself. You are more abstract than logical, somewhat solitary, and you focus on your fantasies. Did we get it right? Are you an insightful charmer?

  2. You got: Your Color Is Green!

    Your color is Green! You are calm, patient, and optimistic. You are well-adjusted, and bounce back easily from hardship and failure. You love to test your strength, and remain cool when everybody panics. Did we get it right? Are you relaxed and open-minded?

  3. You got: Your Color Is Red!

    Your color is Red! You are passionate and seductive. You have a great sense of style, and you love getting massages. You usually get what you want, and need things done your way. Did we get it right? Are you a bit promiscuous?

  4. You got: Your Color Is White!

    Your color is White! You are true to yourself, emotionally stable, and quite stoic. You're NOT an attention seeker. You believe love is salvation, and would sacrifice everything for it. You are not concerned with popularity, and you appreciate the beauty of the arts. Did we get it right? Are you really an angel? :-)

  5. You got: Your Color Is Black!

    Your color is Black! You are disciplined and responsible. You meet your obligations on time and focus on achieving your goals. You are most likely to become rich, especially if you play it safe and work hard. Did we get it right? Are you a leader?

  6. You got: Your Color Is Yellow!

    Your color is Yellow! You are imaginative, artistic, and you dislike the ordinary. You want to live an experimental life, and are attracted to the counter-culture. Did we get it right? Are you a vegan hippie?

  7. You got: Your Color Is Brown!

    Your color is Brown! You desire accomplishments. You are determined, hard-working, and ambitious. You're not afraid of high-stress situations, and you've always been mature for your age. Did we get it right? Are you an ambitious enterprising person?

  8. You got: Your Color Is Purple!

    Your color is Purple! You are always seeking new challenges. You are unpredictable and erotic, and enjoy the night life and big crowds. You love to exercise, in love with love, and need your independence. Did we get it right? Do you have that all-or-nothing personality?


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