What Mental Disorder do you kind of have?
Because let's face it, we've all got some problems

Does anything about this picture bother you?

Does anything about this picture bother you?

How about this one?

How about this one?

Do you like to be around other people?

Do you like to be around other people?

Pick a word that best describes you

Pick a word that best describes you

Are you an active person?

Are you an active person?

Pick a picture that best describes you during a house party

Pick a picture that best describes you during a house party

When times are rough, where do you turn to?

When times are rough, where do you turn to?

If you had to choose a way to treat your problem, which one would you pick?

If you had to choose a way to treat your problem, which one would you pick?

Do you ever hear voices in your head?

Do you ever hear voices in your head?

What Mental Disorder do you kind of have?

  1. You got: OCD

    OCD, or obsessive�compulsive disorder, is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry. You, while being completely healthy, know your fair share of disturbing and worrying thoughts. Don't you worry, you're perfectly fine. Just stop thinking.

  2. You got: Social Anxiety

    Being around lots of people can be hard on anyone. So what if you're a bit anxious when in a crowd, you can always stay home and watch Netflix!

  3. You got: Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a condition characterized by episodes of an elevated mood known as mania, usually alternating with episodes of depression. Sounds familiar? Well, congratulations, you're human

  4. You got: Food Addiction

    So you like to eat. Who doesn't? Maybe eating is a little less of a physical necessity to you, and more of an emotional getaway. Just try to eat healthy (and yes, by healthy we definitely mean ice cream)

  5. You got: Misanthropy

    Misanthropy is the general hatred, distrust or disdain of the human species or human nature. Translation: You hate people. Sound familiar? Just think of that time you were stuck in traffic with all those annoying drivers around, and you'll get what we mean. Although we can absolutely see where this is coming from, try to be a little more patient, you might meet someone you'll actually like one day

  6. You got: ADHD

    ADHD is a psychiatric disorder in which there are significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age. Sounds a little like you? Well, concentrating is hard in this day and age. Now you can have the best excuse for not listening to your friends babbling about something boring!

  7. You got: Anxiety Disorder

    You're the worrying type, aren't you? You've always worried for yourself and for others, sometimes with no reason at all. Now that you have identified the problem, you have the perfect excuse to take some time off and relax, and let the worries melt into a happy face


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