What kind of brain do you have and what can you do with it?
"You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them, and fly."
Scientists have recently discovered the human soul! Where is yours? Let's find out!
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind, are you swift as the coursing river, or do you wish that someday your prince will come?
Find the 5 letter word that best describes you! Take this interesting test.
How you perceive words can determine your greatest mental strength.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend, you know!
Are you overprotective? embarrassing? old-fashioned?
Oh crystal ball, in 10 years time, which car will I be able to claim as mine!? If you'd like to know, take the quiz and let's go!
Your name can say a lot about who you are as a person. Find out how YOUR name influences your personality!
Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Take this quiz to find out the color of your ego and what that says about you!
When new android devices and CPUs are released, benchmarking apps get a lot of attention, just as they also get the attention when a new phone is bought by users. Some are better than others, and numerical scores on a universal scale represent the real wo...
Hollywood is a place full of beauty, talent, glitz and glamour, and a lot of luck. Hollywood gives great stardom to people who can prove themselves, but, until they are really lucky, they have to work extremely hard to make a mark. Sometimes, even people...
They say that if you are ever feeling alone then start watching horror movies and after a while you won't feel alone! There will be a mystical presence around you. Any small noise would make you jump and you will have a hard time sleeping. It would be qui...