Drew Barrymore's character was named...
The one thing you never say in a horror movie is...
Tatum was killed by...
Who did Sidney punch in the face?
The movie's high school is...
Deputy Dewey is which character's brother?
The man convicted of the murder of Sidney's mom is...
Who makes the inappropriate joke, "Better liver alone!"
What kind of car does Tatum drive?
What does Gale crash the news van into?
How many times was Randy fired from the video store?
When Sidney talks to the killer for the first time, where does he say he is?
Who does Randy admit to having a crush on?
What is Dewey's real name?
How many seconds delay does the hidden camera in Stu's house have?
How Well Do You Remember Scream?
You got: Scream Queen
You got: Screamer
You got: Squeaker
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