Would You Escape The Sinking Titanic?
We all know how the tragic tale of the Titanic ends. But what about if you were on-board that fateful day? Would you make it off alive or sacrifice yourself for others?

There's an iceberg off the port bow! There's no way to avoid it. How would you steer the ship?

There's an iceberg off the port bow! There's no way to avoid it. How would you steer the ship?

You're enjoying a meal with your fellow voyagers when the lights flicker, and there's a faint noise. What do you do?

You're enjoying a meal with your fellow voyagers when the lights flicker, and there's a faint noise. What do you do?

You notice that the power keeps flickering on the ship and the engine's hum feels different. What do you do?

You notice that the power keeps flickering on the ship and the engine's hum feels different. What do you do?

You can't hear any engine noises and an eerie quiet falls over the ship. People are acting nervous. What's your next step?

You can't hear any engine noises and an eerie quiet falls over the ship. People are acting nervous. What's your next step?

The ship is definitely starting to tilt. Now what?

The ship is definitely starting to tilt. Now what?

Despite the captain and crew's optimism, the ship is clearly sinking. Abandon ship! Are you ready?

Despite the captain and crew's optimism, the ship is clearly sinking. Abandon ship! Are you ready?

Would You Escape The Sinking Titanic?

  1. You got: You're the king or queen of the world!
  2. You got: A noble sacrifice.
  3. You got: A valient attempt.
  4. You got: Whoops.


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