24 Things That No Longer Make Sense When Watching Home Alone as an Adult
While revisiting the ultimate Christmas movie as an adult, some questions came to mind. Keep the change, ya filthy animal!

1. The McCallister Family is loaded. What does their dad do, anyways?

 The McCallister Family is loaded. What does their dad do, anyways? Just look at that house!

2. What kind of monster speaks to a child like this?

 What kind of monster speaks to a child like this? Uncle Frank is such a jerk!

3. Seriously though, why didn't the pizza guy bring more cheese pizzas?

 Seriously though, why didn't the pizza guy bring more cheese pizzas?

4. What kind of parents let their child have a pet tarantula?

 What kind of parents let their child have a pet tarantula?

6. Where did Harry get this elaborate and realistic looking cop uniform?

 Where did Harry get this elaborate and realistic looking cop uniform?

7. Why is everyone in Kevin's family such a douche?

 Why is everyone in Kevin's family such a douche?

8. Who raised these spoiled brats?

 Who raised these spoiled brats?

9. This room is awesome. Why wouldn't Kevin want to hang out here more often?

 This room is awesome. Why wouldn't Kevin want to hang out here more often?

10. What ever happened to Crunch gators?

 What ever happened to Crunch gators?


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