25 Thoughts Every Girl Has During a First Date

We've all thought about #5!

1. Do I have anything in my teeth?

Please no!

2. How do I look?

Amazing darling! Absolutely fabulous!

3. He looks nothing like his Tinder picture!

I should have swiped left...

4. We're only 15 minutes in and I'm ready to go home!

It's gonna be a long night!

5. Could he be the ONE?

No. Yes! Maybe?

6. Would my family approve of him?

Let's hope so!

7. I wonder if he’s rich.


8. Should I order another drink?

Is that appropriate?

9. Is it OK to sleep with him after the first date?

How soon is too soon?

10. Did he seriously just bring up his ex?

Please don't open the EX files!

11. Am I talking too much?

Maybe I should shut up!

12. OK now he's talking too much!


13. If I order a salad, he’ll think I’m one of "those" girls.

I'm SO hungry!

14. But if I get a burger, he’ll think I’m a pig!


15. Should I offer to pay?

No. He invited me! He should pay. Right?

16. Did he seriously just ask to split the check?


17. I wonder if he has any STD's.

Safety first!

18. Is he going to try to kiss me?

This could get weird.

19. How's my breath?

I shouldn't have eaten garlic!

20. Is he dating other women?

And if so, how many are we talking?

21. Is this ever going to end?


22. There is no way I'm going home with this guy!

No! Never!

23. Is he going to call me again?

::waits by the phone::

24. Check please?

Where is the waiter?

25. I'm never dating again!
