Which Magical Creature Are You?
Do you love the idea that magical creatures are real? Take this quiz and find out which magical creature you are!

What is your sleep schedule like?

What is your sleep schedule like?

Do you eat meat?

Do you eat meat?

Pick a vacation destination

Pick a vacation destination

Do you do better in the heat or cold?

Do you do better in the heat or cold?

What is the thing you value the most?

What is the thing you value the most?

Do you like to hunt?

Do you like to hunt?

Pick your favorite animal

Pick your favorite animal

Pick a party to go to

Pick a party to go to

Pick your favorite color

Pick your favorite color

Pick an activity

Pick an activity

What do you look for in a significant other?

What do you look for in a significant other?

Are you afraid of heights?

Are you afraid of heights?

Last but not least pick a favorite movie

Last but not least pick a favorite movie

Which Magical Creature Are You?

  1. You got: Dragon

    You are a dragon! You are fierce and powerful. You are a fearless leader and don't let anything stand in your way! You like a good thrill and you are an adventurer at heart.

  2. You got: Unicorn

    You are a unicorn! You are a very peaceful and kind person. You also know how to stay calm and you are the type of person that will help a random stranger in need. You also love nature and have great respect for the environment.

  3. You got: Liger

    You are a Liger! You are like a lion and tiger mixed bred for skills in magic! You are a unique and not afraid to be yourself. (And you actually do exist!)

  4. You got: Mermaid

    You are a mermaid! You're a very fun loving and outgoing person. You have the most fun with your friends and you feel whole when you are near the ocean. You also value the environment and you are a big time animal lover.

  5. You got: Fairy

    You are a fairy! You are silly and outgoing. When you are with your friends you are always the life of the party! You also care for the environment and love beautiful gardens and nature in general.

  6. You got: Werewolf

    You are a werewolf! You can be a bit of a loner at times, but you have a tight group of friends who you trust. You are adventurous and a bit of a foodie at heart. You feel whole when you are in the forest or outdoors.

  7. You got: Vampire

    You are a vampire! You are most productive in the night time hours and not really much of a morning person. You are attractive and know how to get what you want with your looks and charm. You are also fierce and independent and people should not get on your bad side!


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