Do You Like Food More Than People?
It's the age-old question: pizza or people?

You're at brunch. What are you most likely to Instagram?

You're at brunch. What are you most likely to Instagram?

Your roommate asks for a slice of your leftover pizza. What do you say?

Your roommate asks for a slice of your leftover pizza. What do you say?

You picked up some takeout for you and your significant other. You're on the train and your stomach is growling. What do you do?

You picked up some takeout for you and your significant other. You're on the train and your stomach is growling. What do you do?

Would you share an order of fries?

Would you share an order of fries?

The best part of your work day is. . ?

The best part of your work day is. . ?

The restaurant you want to go to with your family has a really long wait. What do you do?

The restaurant you want to go to with your family has a really long wait. What do you do?

You're at a fundraising event. Where can you be found?

You're at a fundraising event. Where can you be found?

Pick the most delicious picture.

Pick the most delicious picture.

Do You Like Food More Than People?

  1. You got: Who Needs Friends When You Have Food
  2. You got: You're A Social Foodie
  3. You got: Friends B4 Fries
  4. You got: You Are Like A Seasonal Menu, Always Changing


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