10 Celebrities Who Are Popular For Being Unpopular At Work
The rules of professional world are equally valid for the film industry. The actors and actresses may be celebrities to the general public, but their careers too are defined by time commitments, dedication to role and work ethics in general. However, there are some celebrities who are renowned for their tantrums, cutting people off and are a pain to deal with. Yes, we are talking about the likes of Lindsay Lohan ; here take a look.

5. Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty Shannen Doherty claimed in a radio show that her Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Jason Priestley had ‘memory problems’ stemming from a 2002 car accident. Accused of disrespecting Jason, she refused to apologize. This followed after Jason mentioned in his memoir about Shannen's diva-like demands. It was because of her tantrums that Shannen was eventually fired from the show.

4. Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe If there is one actor who can get flared up in minutes, has drunken fights, insults people on social media and makes threatening phone calls to film producers at midnight, it is Russsell Crowe. He even pissed off George Clooney after his remark on Clooney's appearances in TV commercials, calling him a sellout. To which Clooney replied, "Dude, the only people who succeed when two famous people are fighting is People magazine. What is wrong with you?"

3. Edward Norton

Edward Norton Despite an applaudable performance as Bruce Banner (Hulk), Edward Norton was chucked out of Marvel Studios. President Kevin Feige said, "We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers . Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members." That says it all!

2. Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal This tough guy's antics are way too much to handle. From kicking people on sets to injuring animals while filming, this guy has done many bad things. Rumour has it that he is the lamest of them all. Also that he is a compulsive liar.

1. Kanye West

Kanye West This ‘high maintenance’ star can get overly demanding, fussy and difficult to deal with. Will Ferrell spoke about their cooperation on the set of Anchorman 2: “It was very surreal to have Kanye – who’s such a big fan of comedy – in our movie hanging out for two days. He was playing the new tracks a lot – over and over. Even when you’re trying to film, he’s playing the tracks. They’re loud, too. We got a scared 18-year-old intern to ask him to turn them down.”


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