10 Most Controversial Vacation Spots
Not every vacation is as innocent as a week-long stay in the Florida Keys. Some international vacation spots infringe on the rights of humans, protected wildlife and more. That's not to say, however, that travelling to these places is prohibited or even slowing. Here is a list of the ten most controversial vacation destinations.

5. Myanmar

Myanmar Tourism is a growing industry in this developing nation. Myanmar's strict government keeps it mostly cut off from the outside world, however, making it controversial to stay here. The government also formerly used forced labor as a means of building up the nation's tourism, which raised some red flags. Now, although still controversial, travelling to Myanmar is actually a good thing, some people argue, as it provides employment for hundreds of thousands of Burmese people.

4. Palestinian Territories

Palestinian Territories Although the Palestinian territories (East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank) offer beautiful landscape and temperate weather, political instability makes traveling here highly controversial. The Israeli military blockade of land, air and sea has kept the Gaza Strip almost entirely off-limits. The West Bank and East Jerusalem have been accessible, although not easily so, but remained controversial as vacation destinations.

3. Peru's Human Safaris

Peru's Human Safaris Peru makes this list again for their " human safaris ." These "attractions" have been growing in popularity recently. Certain indigenous tribes residing in the Amazon are being exploited by tour operators. Some of these tribes are "uncontacted," meaning they purposefully avoid interaction with the outside world . To embark on such a vacation is heavily frowned upon but has not yet been taken down with legal action.

2. Iraq

Iraq With all the media coverage in recent years, who would want to travel to Iraq? Some people, apparently, are drawn to the desert, culture and adventure. In fact, war zone tourism has been trending in recent years. In 2010, for example, a trip to Baghdad through Warzone Tours could have cost up to $40,000. The situation is a little different just four years later, although tourists in Iraq still can't travel alone, as individual travel in this nation is prohibited. You can schedule group tours and a guide will lead you, if you're interested in visiting Iraq. The country may not be as riddled with violence as the media wants you to believe, but with all the action, history and AK-47s, it's still a controversial destination.

1. North Korea

North Korea North Korea is not an ideal place to live, what with the malnutrition, starving or even death facing more than half of its brainwashed population. But what is it like to vacation there? Beyond it being controversial, due, of course, to its repressive totalitarian state, North Korea as a vacation spot is not impossible. In fact, despite the horrors of the Kim dynasty, people continue to travel here. The vacations are very structured and anyone planning a trip to North Korea can expect a tour of only one side of the nation. The other side, housing concentration camps and public executions, would be off limits. When it comes time to schedule your next vacation, keep this list in mind. Even if it's a spot you've been dying to see, consider the implications your trip will have on your designated spot.


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