25 Thoughts Every Girl Has During a First Date
We've all thought about #5!

11. Am I talking too much?

Am I talking too much? Maybe I should shut up!

12. OK now he's talking too much!

OK now he's talking too much! BLA BLA BLA!

13. If I order a salad, he’ll think I’m one of "those" girls.

If I order a salad, he’ll think I’m one of "those" girls. I'm SO hungry!

14. But if I get a burger, he’ll think I’m a pig!

But if I get a burger, he’ll think I’m a pig! FEED ME!

15. Should I offer to pay?

Should I offer to pay? No. He invited me! He should pay. Right?

16. Did he seriously just ask to split the check?

Did he seriously just ask to split the check? Classy...

17. I wonder if he has any STD's.

I wonder if he has any STD's. Safety first!

18. Is he going to try to kiss me?

Is he going to try to kiss me? This could get weird.

19. How's my breath?

How's my breath? I shouldn't have eaten garlic!

20. Is he dating other women?

Is he dating other women? And if so, how many are we talking?


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