5 Coolest Gadgets for Your Computer
There are tons of cool gadgets out there. Of course, with all of the new technology coming out nowadays — in a seemingly neverending flow of Kickstarters and IndieGoGo campaigns — it can be tough to sort out which gadgets are actually, in fact, cool. We’ve seen some crazy new tech come out recently, and some of these solve a common problem men might have.

So without further ado, here are the 5 Coolest Gadgets for Your Computer:

1. Sliden'Joy


The World's First Triple Screen for Your Laptop

3. The Leap Motion

The Leap Motion

5. Zcan Wireless

Zcan Wireless

The World's 1st Wireless Scanner Mouse

7. Recon


Recon, The Thinnest Foldable Bluetooth Mouse in the World

9. Celluon Magic Cube

Celluon Magic Cube

Celluon Magic Cube: World's only Virtual Projection Keyboard and Multi-touch Mouse


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